Liver and Onions

Here in Suli, we just celebrated what they call “Jezhni Corban”. In English it is the holiday of sacrifices. We were told to beware of animals being slaughtered in the streets. Fortunately, we didn’t witness anything like that, but we did receive a few love offerings in honor of the holiday. One was a pile of liver and heart.

My first thought was “what the heck am I going to do with THAT?!”

I can’t remember ever being served organ meats – other than Matt’s grandmother’s giblet stuffing at Thanksgiving. I had no idea what to do with this stuff. The woman who gave it to me must have seen the hesitation in my face because she went to the trouble of cutting it all up for me and then went into detail about how I should cook it. She mentioned frying it with onions as well as cooking it on the grill. We tried both, but found that the crisp edges that the fire gave it hid some of the unsavory flavor.

Ok, so we don’t actually have a grill, and this made a huge mess, but it worked!

I fried some onions and mushrooms to go along with it.

Sorry, I forgot to take any end product pictures… guess we scarfed it down too fast. Ok, not really, I would say it is an acquired taste. Matt did better than I did, oh well, better luck next time.

Do you have any tricks or great recipes for cooking this stuff? Let me know.


With the leftovers the next night, I chopped it up small and put it in marinara sauce over zucchini noodles.

The sauce masked the liver flavor even more, which was nice, but I still ended up picking out some pieces toward the end. I guess for a recovering vegetarian, organ meats might be a bit of a stretch.

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